I went from being fully unemployed, to very underemployed, to now. I figured it out: I will be working 19 days straight before my next day off, and I am sooo not complaining, but trying to explain the lack of posting for the past two days.
Gonzo has been taking it like a trooper, adjusting to the new schedule like I was never home all day before, and we even got a change to play around yesterday (well, I was looking for something in the back of the bottom kitchen cabinets, and it looked like playing to him, shh..) Anyway, I hope to adjust that well myself and get back into the swing of things soon.
Random picture from our trip to Gettysburg this summer
Good boy, Gonzo. How did you know that I was looking for Blue Football Fan in the cabinets? Thanks for bringing it over.
More to come, so come back if you're interested.
I'm right there with you. It seems like with work it's always feast or famine. Same with dogs, when they aren't eating they are staaaaaaarrrrrrving!!!!