Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Such a good daddy!

You may have already seen this, but it happened in my area, so we may have gotten better coverage of it than other areas.
His first foul ball catch ever, and she throws it back. His first instinct is to hug her and let her know it's all okay. Now, that's a good guy. A heartbroken good guy.

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Good Boy, Gonzo. See if you can finditfinditfindit!

More to come, so come back if you're interested.


  1. That was one of the cutest things I have seen in awhile.

  2. The video is no longer available, but I heard on NPR the other morning that they gave him another ball because of his reaction.
    Philly huh? Philly cheese steaks, the grossly authentic cheez-wiz variety, is probably the only meat that I miss.

  3. I found the video again and re-posted. Darn that youtube!
    I don't eat beef (or pork) so I've never had a real Philly cheesesteak. Some people liken it to never having heard a bird sing.
