Gonzo the ever-vigilant guard puppy:
It is Gonzo's self appointed duty to keep intruders at bay, whether it be my parents, friends, or any company for that matter, but especially the mail lady. I have a theory why our boy barks at the mail lady through the door. I think he hears her open the screen door to put the mail inside, and she walks away. But that's not how he interprets what happens.
See, to our boy, he hears threat approach. Threat tries to break down the door with all its might (by opening the screen door). Gonzo yells at threat," Hey! Hey! Whattda think you're doing? Get away from the door! I told you yesterday, you're not getting in!" Threat is so intimidated by this impressive display that threat slinks off, to try its luck elsewhere. (Or continue delivering the mail.) Gonzo makes a mental note that barking at threats make them go away. Whoofing a few times quietly to himself is his way of saying," That's right, and stay away!" Then he saunters over to me, stretching out his legs, and I imagine he's saying," It's all right, little lady, they won't be back a-bothering you any time soon." (Sometimes our boy channels John Wayne.) Of course, he's probably thinking,"Hey, is there any chance I could get a treat for that?"
Good boy, Gonzo. Save me from the credit card bills.
More to come, so come back if you're interested.
Now that you've got a job this should totally be a Gonzo story blog! I love that every post ends with "Good boy Gonzo."